
Menampilkan postingan dengan label AFS

Planting trees and explore Batu Angus, Tangkoko Nature Reserve

In 2013, For the first time AEON retail workers union Japan Coordinated by JAFS comes to North Sulawesi to do planting trees project in Batu Angus, Tangkoko nature reserve. Collaborated with BKSDA and BPK Sulut. For two days, starting from 6th - 7th July, we plant 3,500 trees in Batu Angus, a part of the conservation area in Tangkoko , Bitung. After two days of planting trees program, we make a short trekking to Mt. Batu Angus in the afternoon. It was not difficult neither easy but our curiosity to see with our own eyes about the very unique endemic animals and also known as the smallest primate “Tarsius Spectrum” makes us keep walking along the path in the high grassland. It takes only about 30 minutes to walk from the Forest ranger’s office, but we sometimes had to rest for a few minutes, drink, and enjoy the beautiful panorama of Mt. Batu Angus, the grassland and of course Lembeh island in the distance. Some people may have a bit problem on this trip as might ...

How to build local people awareness

“Life improvement through eco-tourism” By Jimmy Pontoh Aerbanua village From Manado city, it takes about 3 hours to Aerbanua village on Talise island. A small island that is isolated but beautiful and rich in natural resources. The people are friendly and hardworking with a total population of 570 people. Their incomes are from fishing, agriculture, and as farm laborers in other areas. This village has limited access and facilities such as transportation, electricity, markets, schools, health, and event information. Some residents were forced to move temporarily to cities or other places to work. Because of this, the village only looked crowded on the weekends when they returned home. In addition to fish and agricultural products, the village also has the potential to become a new tourist destination to encourage rural economic growth. It will provide more business and work opportunities for the community. Aproachement To become an ecotourism village, Firstly, ...

Climate change and poor (Penang - Malaysia, 5 - 10 Oktober 2018)

28th Asian Internasional Network Seminar, 5-10 Oktober 2018, Penang Malaysia Tema; climate change and poor Masalah perubahan iklim dan kemiskinan menjadi tema pembahasan dalam Asian International Network Seminar (AINS) ke-28 yang dilaksanakan di Penang Malayasia dari tgl 5 – 10 Oktober 2018. Kegiatan tahunan Asian Friendship Society (AFS) yang kali ini dihadiri oleh berbagai perwakilan dari 12 negara mulai dari para akademisi, aktivis lingkungan dan social, pengusaha dan berbagai NGO yang memiliki kepedulian akan kelestarian lingkungan dan masalah sosial di negara-negara Asia pada khususnya. Untuk Indonesia dihadiri oleh empat perwakilan dari Aceh, Bali, Jawa dan Sulawesi. Dalam pertemuan ini dibahas tentang bagaimana terjadinya perubahan iklim global yang memberikan dampak yang luar biasa bagi lingkungan dan kehidupan social ekonomi bagi umat manusia sekarang hingga di masa datang. Pertumbuhan ekonomi dan populasi adalah salah satu factor utama penyebab terjadinya perubahan i...