Planting trees and explore Batu Angus, Tangkoko Nature Reserve

In 2013, For the first time AEON retail workers union Japan Coordinated by JAFS comes to North Sulawesi to do planting trees project in Batu Angus, Tangkoko nature reserve. Collaborated with BKSDA and BPK Sulut.

For two days, starting from 6th - 7th July, we plant 3,500 trees in Batu Angus, a part of the conservation area in Tangkoko, Bitung.

After two days of planting trees program, we make a short trekking to Mt. Batu Angus in the afternoon. It was not difficult neither easy but our curiosity to see with our own eyes about the very unique endemic animals and also known as the smallest primate “Tarsius Spectrum” makes us keep walking along the path in the high grassland.

It takes only about 30 minutes to walk from the Forest ranger’s office, but we sometimes had to rest for a few minutes, drink, and enjoy the beautiful panorama of Mt. Batu Angus, the grassland and of course Lembeh island in the distance. Some people may have a bit problem on this trip as might not use to do trekking. But they all were enjoyed on this adventure trip.

Just a few minutes from the grassland area, we arrived at the location of the Tarsius Spectrum or by local people use to call them “Tangkasi”. Their home is a cave in the big tree, so we had to queue up to saw those very cute animals and took some pictures.  

After that, we continue the trip to Batu Angus area (Batu = stone & Angus/hangus = Scorched), so Batu Angus means “scorched stones”.  We enjoy the unique view of this area, the mountain, take some rest and of course some pictures.

From Batu angus, we return to Forest ranger’s office and then continue by bus to the black sandy beach for dinner.  

Read more article;
- Tips to build local people awareness about go green
- Jobs for people love to travel, which one is you?
- Cagar alam Tangkoko (Bah. Indonesia)


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