Why you have to learn karate?

Martial art is already a part of my life since I was a kid. I firstly learn karate just for funs with my friends, but later on I started to love it and motivated to keep learning it more seriously. While my friends, one by one disappeared and then stop practicing karate.

On those days, we are more focus to learn the basics of karate like "kihon" and "kata". While for "kumite" or fighting techniques’ we often have to learn it in our own way.

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After finish my senior high school inTomohon city, I went to Bali island to continue my study at PPLP Dhyana Pura (now Undhira). But then I was thought to "retire" from Karate due to wanting to concentrate on studying.

A few years later, I come home, back to my beautiful city, in Tomohon, North Sulawesi. And to make a long story short...I open a dojo to teach karate for students and youth. Since then, I have a few dojos with more students in Tomohon city to teach this Japanese martial art.

My karate organization is Lemkari (lembaga Karate-do Indonesia) with Shotokan karate style and it is a member of Federasi Olahraga Karate-do Indonesia (FORKI).

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As an active coach, I now also have to update my knowledge in competition rules based on WKF organization terms. So, for years I learned according to the regulations , and then step by step, I pass some examination to be a national licensed judge/referee under FORKI. Well, but sometimes fail. 
The reasons I love karate and still practice this martial art is

1. Health, be stronger of course.

2. Self-defense, just in case but I pray, it would never happen in my life

3. Confidence, you know what I mean

4. Discipline, It will motivate you to do what you love, chase your dream by keep doing your passion. It will turn into your habit

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5. Attitude, I always teach my students that karate is not only about how to kick or punch but more. It is to learn how to be a humble person by respect others. Only those who master themselves can do it. Respect and you will be respected too

6. Friendship, one thing that I like about karate is I make a lot of friends and it's really fun for me. Karate is fun.

7. Traveling, more friends, and more events. I believe it is a good reason to visit new destinations. I love traveling just like karate.

Thanks for reading and I hope you love this.


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